[Biweekly Update] AWS Online Tech Talks

Live online technical sessions led by AWS experts.
AWS Monthly Webinar Series

AWS Tech Talks are a selection of live online presentations that cover a broad range of topics at varying technical levels. These webinars feature technical sessions led by AWS solutions architects and engineers, live demonstrations, customer examples, and Q&A with AWS experts.

Featured Sessions

Big Data

Best Practices for Processing Managed Hadoop Workloads: Run and scale your Hadoop and Spark clusters on Amazon EMR for a fraction of the cost.

Tackle Your Dark Data Challenge with AWS Glue: Learn how to discover and analyze dark data in your data lake without moving it to your data warehouse.


Using AWS Batch and AWS Step Functions to Design and Run High-Throughput Workflows: Learn how to design and run high-throughput workflows to process data at scale using AWS Batch and AWS Step Functions.


Managing Secrets for Containers with Amazon ECS: Learn how to use IAM roles and Amazon S3 to manage and insert secrets into containerized applications running on Amazon ECS.


What's New with Amazon DynamoDB: In this webinar, we will go into detail on a number of recently released features, including Time-to-live (TTL), Tagging, VPC-Endpoints, DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), Database Migration Service (DMS) support, and more.

Migrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL: Learn how to migrate your Oracle databases to PostgreSQL on AWS with minimal disruption.

Deep Dive on MySQL Databases on AWS: Learn how to migrate your MySQL databases to AWS for a fast, scalable, cost-effective deployment.


Configuration Management in the Cloud: Learn how to use AWS OpsWorks, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline to build a reliable and consistent development pipeline.

Management Tools

Using CloudTrail to Enhance Compliance and Governance of S3: This webinar focuses on using AWS CloudTrail data events in combination with Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Kinesis, and AWS Lambda to monitor critical Amazon S3 objects including highly classified files, database backups, and company intellectual property.


Deep Dive on User Sign-up and Sign-in with Amazon Cognito: Learn how developers can use Amazon Cognito to add these user workflows to their apps with the built-in customizable forms and using social identity providers such as Facebook, Google, and Login with Amazon or corporate identity providers via SAML.


Get Ready for re:Invent 2017 Content Overview: With over 1000+ breakout sessions to choose from, re:Invent 2017 has more content than ever before. In this webinar, we will provide you an overview on what to expect this year, highlights you shouldn't miss, as well as provide guidance on how to plan your week.


Local Testing and Deployment Best Practices for Serverless Applications: Learn best practices for locally testing and deploying serverless applications and AWS Lambda.

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