Linode Toronto Available for Deployments


We're happy to share the opening of our latest data center in Toronto, Canada. Linode Toronto is our 10th global data center and will allow our Canadian customers to deploy cloud workloads on Canadian soil.

Linode Toronto was built using our latest server builds and is connected to our global backbone. It also meets the in-country data compliance requirements of the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA") and Anti-Spam Legislation ("CASL").

If you want to move your Linodes to Toronto you can simply clone them to the new facility. The cloning method is recommended since you'll be able to stage your services on a new IP address before changing your DNS records. To deploy a new Linode in Toronto just select Toronto as your data center during the deployment process.

In case you missed it we recently announced Dedicated CPU plans for CPU-intensive workloads. Keep an eye out for more product announcements on our India and Sydney data centers, Object Storage, Linode Kubernetes, One-Click Apps and more. 
Linode is proud to announce our newest data center in Toronto, Canada.
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