Important Update: Major version Google Mobile Ads SDK release coming in 2021

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Prepare for the upcoming Google Mobile Ads SDK release
The next major version release of the Google Mobile Ads SDK is expected in early 2021. Be sure to follow update guides closely to avoid potential revenue loss. See detailed migration guides:
Please read below to understand how these changes may affect your app(s).
Google Mobile Ads SDK iOS v8.0.0 is released and Android v20.0.0 will be released in Q2 2021. In the update to these major versions, a number of existing APIs will be changed or deprecated. Please consider the following:
Before these versions become available, please consider updating API usage in existing apps per the migration guide below.
When GMA SDK version 8.0.0 (iOS) or 20.0.0 (Android) becomes available, please ensure all app(s) have been updated according to the migration guides below before releasing your app(s).
Updating the GMA SDK to version 8.0.0 (iOS) or 20.0.0 (Android) without also making changes to the following APIs per the migration guide will cause issues with apps building or compiling and may affect revenue.
The breaking changes in GMA SDK to version 8.0.0 (iOS) or 20.0.0 (Android) will not break existing implementations that target older SDK versions.
Below is a list of major API changes that will require actions before updating to the latest SDK. For a full list of changes (including additional breaking changes), please refer to the following migration guides.
Migration guides:
Summary of major breaking changes
Note: not all changes are included. For the full list of changes, please refer to the migration guides.
*Updating to GMA version 20.0.0 (Android) or 8.0.0 (iOS) without updating calls to these APIs may result in apps failing to build successfully and may also affect revenue.
Type Details Action
APIs Changed* Changing API calls for full-screen formats Interstitial and Rewarded ads. Follow the migration guides to change existing API calls if you are using any of these full-screen formats.
APIs renamed* A number of APIs will be renamed. For the full list of APIs requiring changes, please see the migration guides. Rename all UnifiedNativeAd references to NativeAd (Android) and GADUnifiedNativeAd references to GADNativeAd (iOS). Rename other functions from the migration guide.
APIs Removed*
A number of APIs will be removed, including:
Legacy Rewarded ads API
Ad request level TFCD-bit settings
NativeContentAd and NativeAppInstallAd
Transition all uses of NativeContentAd and NativeAppInstallAd to use NativeAd instead. Please see the migration guides for a full list of APIs removed.
API Deprecation Deprecating Smart Banner. Adaptive Banner will replace Smart Banner, which will serve the same use-cases and will bring higher performance and greater size flexibility that is tailored to device. Publishers still using Smart Banners should consider switching to Adaptive Banners. No action is required at this time.
For any specific questions or feedback, please visit our Ads Developer Forum.
Until next time,
The Google Ad Manager Team
Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
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