New cloud crypto mining options with CloudSigma

CloudSigma and Crypto-mining Hosting

Dear dhuh,

Over the past months, all of us have been bombarded with articles from various sources about the rise of blockchain technology and the increase in value of various crypto-currencies.

Exactly 1 year ago Aug 25, 2016 the price of one Bitcoin was $575.73.  Today, at the time of writing this, the value of one Bitcoin is $4,162.81 thus achieving the mind blowing 623.05% growth.

Ever since we were founded in 2009 we have been receiving numerous requests and questions regarding the viability of mining crypto-currencies in our cloud. This lead us to develop a brand new service in our portfolio. As our loyal customers, we would like to offer you the opportunity to pre-order and secure the latest generation crypto-mining equipment directly from your CloudSigma Zurich account at a 10% discount compared to the prices listed in our public website .  This 10% discount is valid for orders placed from your Zurich account within the next 48 hours.  

Listen to our CEO explain how we are beginning to offer crypto currency mining and why.

Please find below additional details of our crypto-mining offering. If you don't already have a Zurich account you can sign up free:


Pre-ordering equipment from your CloudSigma Zurich account

Pre-ordering equipment is fast, easy and secure. All you need to do is log into your CloudSigma Zurich account, click on the Crypto miners section (as show in the below screenshot), enter the desired number of units and click purchase.

The Bitmain S9 machine is considered to be the world's most powerful and efficient Bitcoin miner, employing 189 Bitmain BM1387 chips to deliver more hashrate than its competitors. 

Expected delivery date

The expected delivery date of the Bitmain Antminer S9 machines is end of November 2017. We are sourcing the units directly from Bitmain. Having pre-ordered the equipment gives you time to consider your options, whether you would like it hosted and managed by CloudSigma or having it shipped directly to your address. Below we list the two options with additional details.

Please note we also have L3+ and D3 mining units available. These mine for Scrypt (Litcoin) and X11 (Dash) algorithms. These are also sold out online at the manufacturer and not generally available.
Hosting with CloudSigma

We have adopted a very simple utility style approach to hosting crypto currency miners. This approach includes space (in a secure data center), power (as explained further down), connectivity (fast redundant lines), 24/7 operational monitoring and 24/7 end user support. The contract can be for 1 month, 1 year or 2 years.

Choosing to host your equipment with CloudSigma will carry a simple fixed monthly charge in simple kW per month at the rate of $99. 

Using a S9 as an example, it's power draw is rated at 1.37kW. Bear in mind it's PSU is 1.6kW and data centers require about 20% power draw buffer. As such a S9 will be rated at 1.6kW. So the monthly total cost for hosting the miner would be $99 x 1.6kW = $158.

If at any point you decide to host it elsewhere, we charge a $150 deinstall fee plus shipping and that's it. The model is designed to be a simple, cost effective and easy way to have mining equipment.
Shipping and Handling Fee

If you chose to have the equipment directly shipped to you, this will not carry any shipping charges. 

There is a handling fee which is applied to all orders and is also on the online form. The handling fee is to deal with all the repacking, liaison with outbound shipping companies, customs etc. 

For cloud hosting the fee covers the cost of us installing the equipment, configuring it initially and setting up external access. Please bear in mind the first month of hosting is provided free to you if you choose the cloud hosting option.
In case you have any questions, we would like to invite you to read our FAQ section or contact us directly at or over our free 24/7 Live chat.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

The CloudSigma Team
The content in this e-mail is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All email content shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or invest in any product, security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions.

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CloudSigma AG, Badenerstrasse 549, 8048 Zürich, Switzerland

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