CloudSigma and Crypto-mining Hosting Dear dhuh, Over the past months, all of us have been bombarded with articles from various sources about the rise of blockchain technology and the increase in value of various crypto-currencies. Exactly 1 year ago Aug 25, 2016 the price of one Bitcoin was $575.73. Today, at the time of writing this, the value of one Bitcoin is $4,162.81 thus achieving the mind blowing 623.05% growth. Ever since we were founded in 2009 we have been receiving numerous requests and questions regarding the viability of mining crypto-currencies in our cloud. This lead us to develop a brand new service in our portfolio. As our loyal customers, we would like to offer you the opportunity to pre-order and secure the latest generation crypto-mining equipment directly from your CloudSigma Zurich account at a 10% discount compared to the prices listed in our public website . This 10% discount is valid for orders placed from your Zurich account within the next 48 hours. Listen to our CEO explain how we are beginning to offer crypto currency mining and why. Please find below additional details of our crypto-mining offering. If you don't already have a Zurich account you can sign up free:  |
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