Learn Ad Manager with Skillshop | | | Introducing Skillshop | | The one-stop-shop for every kind of learner | Skillshop (formerly Academy for Ads and Publisher University) is a new online learning platform designed to help you master the Google products, tools, and platforms you use at work. Whether you're a part of our existing learner community or joining us for the first time, we want to introduce you to what's new and share how Skillshop can help you reach your professional goals. | Explore educational materials for a number of product areas including Google Ad Manager, Google AdMob, Google Ads, and YouTube. See what else is new on Skillshop. | | | | | | | | | | Skillshop for Ad Manager | For those of you who used Publisher University, we've developed new training to grow your proficiency and drive advertising revenue with Ad Manager. After completing this foundational learning path, you'll be able to: | • | Set up a network and create inventory | | • | Traffic, forecast, and report on ad campaigns | | • | Manage inventory programmatically and control ad quality | | • | Manage ads using rules and protections | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Find your way around Skillshop | | | | | Homepage: Your personalized homepage where you can find courses you've started and recommended trainings. | | | | Browse: Where you'll explore the Skillshop catalog to find topics and courses. | | | | Profile: Your account information and certifications are listed here. | | | | Favorites: Useful content you highlight you'd like to come back to (found under "More" in your profile). | | | | Notifications: Updates about content, features, or account information. | | | | About Skillshop: Pro tips on how to get the most out of Skillshop and updates on new features and content. | | | | Help Center: Search help topics including how to use Skillshop, features, troubleshooting, and more. | | | | | | | | | | | | Keep an eye out for future announcements on features and content as Skillshop grows. | Happy learning! | The Google Ad Manager Team | Explore Skillshop | *Questions? Visit Skillshop Help for more info on how to get the most out of Skillshop. | | | | Was this email helpful? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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